Camden County College Kevin G. Halpern Hall for Science & Health Education

Blackwood, NJ
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As Camden County College’s headquarters for health professions, the new three-story, 107,000 SF high-tech Kevin G. Halpern Hall for Science & Health Education building features 10 biology labs and 6 chemistry labs, all clustered around a central preparation area containing all required equipment for each program. In addition to a lab for the Medical Laboratory Technology and Veterinary Technology programs and a surgical suite for the Surgical Technology program, there are 27 conventional classrooms and lecture rooms as well as expanded facilities for the Dental Hygiene Clinic. The larger clinic now allows 25% more students to enroll and enables 25% more community members to be served with low-cost examinations.

New additions to the College’s academic resources include a full demonstration kitchen and a student-run café, both of which are part of the Hospitality and Nutrition Science programs. Another new amenity is the Nursing Arts Center, which serves as the headquarters for the Practical Nursing program and includes a nursing skills lab. The building also contains a greenhouse, an aluminum structure with polycarbonate panels, which is utilized by the Horticultural program and was partially funded by a New Jersey State Grant. LEED Silver Certified.

Camden County College
114,100 SF
Completion Date
March 2013
LEED Silver