Brooklyn Army Terminal Capital Improvements
Hunter Roberts has completed five Capital Improvements project at the Brooklyn Army Terminal (B.A.T.), a 100-year-old occupied facility with nearly 4 million square feet of light industrial space. Each individual project rehabilitated and improved various components throughout the facility. For the B.A.T. Sanitary Ejector Pit, Hunter Roberts hired a designer to create a new Sanitary Ejector system to accommodate future building occupancy and then acquired contractors to construct the new system. In B.A.T. Building B, the boilers, which were not compliant with current building code, required corrective work. Hunter Roberts, with the help of design consultants, oversaw the installation of new boilers and improvements to the existing boiler rooms. The Building B Atrium, an eight-story high open air area with overhanging concrete balconies, and the Building B Basement Ceiling both required concrete repairs due to water infiltration over time which had produced numerous concrete spalls and cracks throughout the areas. Finally, Hunter Roberts partnered with a designer and a fire code consultant to develop a B.A.T. Fire Safety Evacuation Plan for the New York Fire Department’s approval.